Pre Paid

Having to think about organising a pre paid funeral can be difficult whether it is for you or a loved one. It can, however, prove to be quite worthwhile.

There are many benefits to arranging a pre paid funeral:

– Planning ahead will relieve the large amount of stress imposed on your family and loved ones, particularly through a time of grief.

– Decisions can be made in your own time, there is no need to feel pressure throughout this process.

– You have the opportunity to personalise a service that is suited to your wants and needs

– You will be relieving the financial stress of those closest to you.

– Pre paid funerals are paid at current prices.

– Payment options are not limited to upfront payment, a pre paid funeral can also be paid in regular instalments that can be established with our directors.


Important Notes:

– Pre paid funerals are not viewed as part of your personal assets. They are also exempt from Centrelink and Department of Veteran Affairs Assets Tests.

– Your pre paid funeral investment will be independently held in a capital guarantee funeral benefit fund.